The End

Welcome back to Prescribed Listening where we, the Vesta team, advise you on great audio drama listens for aches +/- pains.
If you love completed stories, you should definitely check out The End, a newsletter bringing you the best shows with endings to boot. 

Find them here and be sure to subscribe so as not to miss an issue!


Hello and welcome to Prescribed Listening where we, the Vesta team, advise you on great audio drama to dampen cortisol and prevent night terrors.  

If you’ve been having symptoms such as: 

  • An overwhelming need to listen to any and all audio drama 

  • Feeling overwhelmed at the sheer number of shows out there 

  • Or . . . Itching

You could try a cream for that. Or you could simply listen to The End. 

The End is a weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows — primarily in podcast form — after they’ve reached a season finale or the conclusion of the series. I know that there are many people, myself included, who sometimes find it a bit risky to start a show that hasn’t put out a full  series yet. Because what if you never find out the conclusion to that nail-biting cliffhanger? 

Each issue of The End tells you which fiction podcasts have recently posted their final episode or a season finale, which fiction podcasts are coming back in the next few weeks with new seasons, and features two high-quality fiction podcasts that you might have missed.

Recently, the show has promoted Wolf 359 and Tales of the Low City - so you know it’s good stuff! 

I also have to personally thank the creator of the show, Evo Terra, for his generous help in whipping our RSS feed and website into shape. He’s a really genuine, lovely person and what do we do for genuinely lovely people? That’s right. We listen to their podcasts! 

So, if you need a never-ending supply of audio fiction in your life, you can prescr - . . . you can prescribe? No, that’s our job. You can subscribe for free to The End at The End dot eff why eye or find the show in your podcatcher of choice! 




Chain of Being